Taking Steps to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Today, there are more choices than ever before when considering your transportation – many communities have commuter trains and light rail, carpool lanes, and biking friendly commuting corridors. Companies are allowing workers to telecommute for part of the work week, and there is an increasing choice of alternative fueled vehicles on the market when you do need to drive.
While the hydrogen highway may still be years away, you don't need to wait that long to reduce emissions from your transportation. Greener transportation starts with considering how your everyday driving habits affect the environment, and then taking simple steps that are possible right now.
Tips to help get you started:
Before you drive…
Save energy by carpooling, taking public transportation, riding a bike, or walking. Another way to reduce your carbon emissions is to combine errands when you do drive. Saved mileage also benefits your budget by saving on fuel expense.
Deferred Maintenance is costly to you and the environment!
Reduce pollution from your current vehicle by getting regular tune-ups and making sure your tires are properly inflated to achieve your vehicle’s optimal gas mileage. Maintaining your vehicle properly helps prevent the need for unexpected repairs, saving you money and stress! Use green car products that reduces harmful emissions and gives you more mileage for lesser fuel.
Cars & Renewable Fuels
Before buying a new or used vehicle, check out the EPA green buying guide: http://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/. Highly fuel efficient cars, hybrids, and vehicles that use cleaner alternative fuels help reduce greenhouse gases emissions. Another source for fuel economy ratings is located at: http://www.fueleconomy.gov/.
Flights - for business travel, consider whether a phone or video conference will get the job done. While flying emits less carbon per mile traveled than driving, the distances traveled usually translate to greater emissions overall. When you do need to fly, longer flight segments emit less carbon per mile than shorter flights. The reason? Elevated carbon emissions during takeoff and landing are the same whether the you are traveling 250 miles or 2500 miles.
On vacation – consider renting a bicycle to explore locally rather than renting a car
Spread The Word!
Talk with your family and friends about climate change. Let them know the ways you’re changing your lifestyle to help prevent more climate changes.